Friday, 9 November 2012

RPA is lauded by Ofsted and gets a 'GOOD '

Richmond Park Academy is the first of the Borough's secondary schools to be examined under the new, rigorous, Ofsted framework.  Just before half term the inspectors spent two exacting days putting staff, students and governors through their educational paces.  They covered every aspect of the academy's teaching and learning.  They looked at achievement, at teaching, at behaviour and safety, at leadership and management and at governance. And their verdict? RICHMOND PARK ACADEMY IS A 'GOOD' SCHOOL.
What does 'good' mean? A good school is one that effectively delivers outcomes that provide well for all its students' needs - and one that ensures its students are well prepared for the next stage of education, training or employment.  The Ofsted inspectors tell us we meet those criteria.
In an analytical and wide-ranging report they said:
  • 'Ambitious and rigorously checked targets, both for teachers and students, are pushing up standards'
  • 'Results in maths are particularly strong'
  • 'Students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is well promoted'
  • 'Students in Years 10 and 11 speak of inspirational and committed teachers as the academy's key strengths'
  • 'Teachers are knowledgeable and enthusiastic and plan lessons carefully'
  • 'Behaviour in and out of lessons is good'
  • 'Choice of subjects is broad and balanced, with the flexibility to support individual needs and interests'
They also found that 'leadership and management shared a commitment to drive up standards'.  'Gaps in the standards reached and progress made by different groups are small and are steadily narrowing as a result of well targeted support'.  Students 'are encouraged to take on leadership roles within and beyond the academy and to practice team-building and collaboration'.  Of behaviour management, they report that 'firm and consistent action is taken when students step over clearly defined boundaries'.
The inspectors also examined the effectiveness of the academy's governance.  They reported that the board was strong and well informed and 'that governors analyse in detail the progress and standards of students'.
We now confidently share the official message - that Richmond Park Academy is a good school - with neighbours, with parents, with local primaries and with students, both current and future.
We are a tried, tested and inspirational learning community on a journey towards excellence.
Mona Adams
Community Governor

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